Vibrator Kits
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Canada’s Largest Selection of Vibrator Kits
Welcome to Plows Supply Canada! We’re your source for all things related to snow removal and home maintenance, including our selection of vibrator kits and packs.
We have various salt spreader vibrators, including the Vibrator Kit, which has enough force for to breakup clumps so that material flows more easily. The 200 lbs. Force Vibrator is also available as a standalone item, as well as several other models that can be found on our website.
Our 200 lb. vibrators are great for salters/spreaders and other small jobs around your property. We’ve got the best vibrator kits and packs in Canada—and we’re always adding new products to our lineup, so keep checking back on us!
Harsh Winter Vibrator Kits
Winter is here, and you know what that means: It’s time to prepare your salt spreaders for the long winter ahead.
If you’re looking for a vibrator kit or pack that’s going to get the job done right, look no further than Plows Supply Canada’s line of harsh-winter vibrator kits and packs.
Vibrator kits and packs are a great way to get started with your salt spreader maintenance, but if you’re looking for something more heavy-duty, we’ve got that too! Our harsh winter vibrator kits will give you the power and durability you need for all kinds of salting jobs.